Word is getting out. We’re slowly building our numbers and hopefully we’ll be in a position to make our first pairing.

As highlighted from the map above, we have 13 volunteers and three buddies.
As pointed out previously, when it comes to making a match we do so based on mutual interests, while age, gender and location preferences are taken into consideration.
Why no matches?
Looking at the map, people may ask why a pairing hasn’t been facilitated.
Having an abundance of volunteers over buddies (or vice versa) does not guarantee a successful pairing. For example, if we have 10 buddies who loved NRL and requested volunteers aged between 18 - 25 who resided in Gosford, and we have 10 volunteers who loved ballet and live in Berkley Vale and are older in age, we wouldn’t facilitate a match between those who have signed up.
What’s happening?
We have a number of networking events coming up. For example, later this week we’re to present at the NDIS Lunch event in Tuggerah while next month we’re to give a talk to participants from Autism Central Coast.
What about volunteers?
Some of you may have heard us on the radio this morning.
Sticking to the theme of last week’s National Volunteer Week, I chatted with Scott Levi from ABC Central Coast - detailing the challenges we face and why Gig Buddies is needed on the Coast.
To listen to our conversation, click here.
So you’re still looking for more?
We’re always looking for new participants. If you’re an adult with mild to moderate learning disabilities and/or autism and would like to increase your social circle, click here. Likewise, if you’re a volunteer looking to catching up once a month, load up this link.
We’re all about tackling social isolation - and we emphasise that both the buddy and volunteer benefit in equal measures.
I have a question
If you have any questions or would like more information about Gig Buddies, send us an email: info@gigbuddiescentralcoast.org or call/SMS us on 0402 708 814.
National Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week begins this Thursday (27/5).

Taken from their website, National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
The goal of the reconciliation movement is for a just, equitable and reconciled country - and Reconciliation Australia have tasked people to “speak up and ask the hard questions, and take action during and beyond National Reconciliation Week.
To achieve their goals they’ve compiled 20 actions for reconciliation. Check out how they want to “make reconciliation more than a word, and to move from safe to brave on issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples” by clicking here.
Microphones at the ready 🎤
Each and every week we invite buddies to connect online, and this Thursday we’re hosting a Zoom karaoke session.

Come sing your hearts out alongside your fellow buddies. To join us on Thursday, click on the link below:
Thursday 27/5
- 4pm: Gig Buddies Karaoke
All online games will take place via Zoom. For information on how to use Zoom, load up the following easy read guide written by Learning Disability Wales. Alternatively, click here to check out our 'how to use Zoom' video.
If you have any questions or would like more information, send us an email: info@gigbuddiessydney.org or info@gigbuddiescentralcoast.org or call/SMS us on 0402 708 814.
Matthew Collins
Gig Buddies Central Coast coordinator
Would you like more information about Gig Buddies Central Coast? You’re only a click away. Connect with us via the links below.
Fancy revelling in legendary status? If so, please support us in our cause to get more people out to live events in Sydney.
Donations over $2 are tax deductible and all are gratefully received.
Gig Buddies Central Coast is an initiative of ACL Disability Services.